Dublin to Belfast Bus Route

Fast and frequent coaches from Dublin to Belfast

Best value bus tickets from Belfast to Dublin

Aircoach, Ireland’s leading coach operator, provides a range of frequent, quality services to/from Belfast and Dublin City & Airport from €13.50/£12.50 single. Get to / from Belfast to Dublin Airport in less than 2 hours, or Dublin City in less than 3. So, relax on our comfortable bus, recline, use the footrest, connect to our free Wi-Fi and enjoy the journey!

Purchase your Aircoach ticket online, or on-board using contactless, Apple/Google Pay.


Route 705 X: Belfast - Dublin Airport - Dublin City Express
Dublin City Centre (O'Connell Street)
Dublin Airport (Terminal 2 - Zone 20)
Dublin Airport (Terminal 1 - Zone 2)
Belfast (Upper Queen Street)


Discover more in Belfast

Belfast is Northern Ireland’s capital and largest city. Widely known as being the birthplace of the RMS Titanic. There is a great visitor attraction in Belfast’s Titanic quarter, a short walk from the city centre.

Belfast has much to offer, such as St George’s Market, Ulster Museum, Botanic gardens, Black taxi history tours and the famous Giant’s Causeway.
Once our bus has dropped you off in Belfast city, here are our top picks of attractions and things to do that will guarantee a memorable trip:

The Black Taxi Tours will show you the political murals based on The Troubles, while your driver tells you the real story of Belfast.

Spend a rainy day at the Ulster Museum, with free admission and great collections, you can come face-to-face with dinosaurs and even an Egyptian mummy.

Northern Ireland's most popular tourist destination and a UNESCO Heritage Site. Giant’s Causeway is an epic sight comprised of over 40,000 hexagonal, basalt, volcanic pillars. 65 million years old and capturing people's imagination for millennia, prompting legends of giants and super-heroes. A truly incredible place to visit.


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